Mental Health Matters is a campaign that promotes awareness of mental health challenges and mental health resources to the campus community. We aim to educate students about the realities of mental health, promote emotional wellness, and provide hope by encouraging understanding and providing resources for on an off campus sources of help.
The next Mental Health Matters campaign will be March 4-6, 2024.
The CAPS counselors are dedicated to helping you with your mental health. There are many different counselors available. Be sure to click on their name so you may see what they specialize in. When you call CAPS, you can request to meet with a specific counselor. If that counselor does not have any available scheduled times, you may request a quick care session where you meet with the counselor one time. In the quick care session you can discuss with the counselor what is going on, and the counselor can give you resources. There is a social worker at BYU CAPS that can help you find help elsewhere if needed.