Becoming BYU
I’m a junior studying Strategic Management from Salt Lake City! I joined the Church of Jesus Christ at 17, did my freshman year at Cornell, served a mission during the pandemic, and transferred to BYU! BYU is so special, and I love that it invites us to develop holistically both as disciples and as academics. I cherish the friendships and experiences that I've gained as a member of this student body.
What has led you to feel that you are connected at BYU?
Finding my community. I love BYUSA's mission of "students serving students," and I feel most connected to this university when I'm serving my peers. I am also grateful for the countless peers who have served and inspired me. When I was recruiting for management consulting internships, countless students, mentors, and professors invested their time in me. They taught me how to case, they encouraged me, and they helped me see my potential when I couldn't. I'm surrounded by peers of the highest caliber, yet I've been astounded by the kindness and collaboration I've felt within my academic program. The everyday moments of camaraderie and sincere friendship have made me feel connected at BYU. I'm determined to pay it forward.
Who is someone who has helped you feel connected at BYU?
Abe Farghali. When I took my first finance class, I had no idea what I was doing. He took me under his wing, showing me the ropes of how to walk through a DCF and how to bring people together in a professional environment. As busy as he always is, he never shied away from an opportunity to help me, oftentimes giving me hours of his time. There were times where I thought I would never grasp the content, but he never quit on me. I owe so much of my success in the Marriott School to him.
If you had to give one piece of advice to other students who don't feel a connection here at BYU what would you tell them?
You just haven't found your people yet. Follow your passions. Don't take no for an answer. Work hard to become the best version of yourself, and you'll find your community while working toward your dreams. Dream big. Don't give up on yourself, and don't give up on BYU. You are here for a reason.