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Student Advisory Council Projects

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Improving the Freshman Experience

We are collecting information and ideas to improve the freshman experience at BYU by enhancing the existing UNIV 101 class. Some of our ideas include group presentations or projects, less structured classes, having classes be more student-led, and having circular table seating arrangements to promote discussion and connection.

Supporting BYU Families

Supporting BYU families means supporting other children of God who are also striving to make and keep their covenants. We’re hoping to implement a daycare that will allow student parents to attend their classes and focus on their studies without preoccupation with child care.

Campus Connections

International Students

Our goal is to improve the international student experience by interacting with students of all backgrounds and academic aspirations and receiving feedback on how we can better the BYU experience for those of other nationalities. We aim to allow students a space to celebrate and embrace who they are while working in harmony with other students at BYU. We aim to raise awareness of legal challenges and unfamiliar topics for those just beginning their academic journey at BYU as international students.

Transfer Students

We are currently trying to meet with different departments and colleges around campus to explore the feasibility of making a database of transferable major credits. Beyond that, we are working with Susan Facer to explore how we can provide more information to Transfer students to help them know what resources are available and how they can effectively transfer their credits.

Financial Awareness & Literacy

We in financial wellness are working to improve students' awareness of financial resources and ability to improve their financial situations.

Safety on Campus

We are working to improve the overall caution and safety of the BYU community. We are researching the effectiveness of current safety measures, expanding awareness of campus safety regulations, and exploring additional safety measures and training.

The World is Our Campus

The World is Our Campus team is focusing on how they can better improve the student experience by making international experiences more affordable and integrated into a BYU education by helping more students to participate in international experiences, helping the Kennedy Center increase its capacity to facilitate international experiences around campus, helping each college identify ways in which it can integrate international experiences, and working to produce and implement more GE study abroad programs for underclassmen.

Spiritual Welfare

The Spiritual Welfare SAC committee is currently developing a project to improve the student spiritual experience on campus. Since “spiritually strengthening” is Brigham Young University's second aim, our committee is devoted to providing opportunities that will increase students' faith in Christ.
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The Student Advisory Council was organized in 1988 as part of the broader establishment of the BYU Student Service Association. With over three decades of history, the Student Advisory Council has impacted the BYU community in many ways.

Bringing Microwaves to the CougarEat

August 03, 2021 03:59 PM

Mental Health & Emotional Wellness

August 03, 2021 03:59 PM

LGBTQ+ Student Resources & Support

August 03, 2021 03:59 PM

Non-member Religion Classes

August 03, 2021 03:59 PM

Diversity and Inclusion on Campus

August 03, 2021 03:59 PM

Supporting Our Veterans

August 03, 2021 03:59 PM